Benefits of Fingerprint based Access Control System

A fingerprint-based biometric security system offers a superior level of security that passwords and keywords cannot. The fingerprint access control system uses an individuals’ print to identify the user and not cards or passwords.

What is a Fingerprint-based Access Control System?

A fingerprint system uses the unique patterns of the impression or marks on a person’s fingertip. And no two individuals in the world can have the same fingerprint. That’s why a fingerprint-based access control system is considered one of the most secure door access control systems.

Why is Fingerprint Biometric System Beneficial?

Fingerprint biometric devices are safer and employee-friendly systems. Here are a few reasons why you should consider upgrading to a fingerprint biometric system.

  1. Accurate Identification and Accountability: Since fingerprints are unique and are impossible to steal or compromise, businesses will have increased security and convenience. 
  2. Efficient: Fingerprint technology can help you save time and money as they’re easy to use and maintain. When it comes to avoiding fraud and protecting businesses from catastrophic security breaches, biometric security systems are more effective.
  3. Reliability: Fingerprint systems offer a reliable way to track employees’ working hours. Besides, you don’t need to worry about storing extra data as the only thing it needs is a fingerprint.
  4. Affordable: Fingerprint systems are the most affordable biometric devices available in the market. Okay, passwords are free to implement. But, did you know that help desk labor cost for a single password reset is around $70. Fingerprint systems can be a lot cheaper than that.
  5. Convenience: It eliminates the hassle of remembering passwords every time. Besides, fingerprint biometric devices can identify employees within seconds. In fact, most of the systems take less than one second to identify people. Also, employees don’t have to worry about keeping passwords or cards safe.
  6. Scalable: As your business grows, a fingerprint-based biometric system can also scale with your business. You can easily upgrade your existing system at any time.

Wrapping Up

Installing a fingerprint biometric devices can be the best investment you can make for your company’s security. Besides, it enables you to track the exact in and out time of an employee.

Star Link India is the leading manufacturer and supplier of biometric devices in India. No matter the size of your company, we have a customized solution for you that fits your budget. Contact us now!

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